The Association's Annual Activities

Accreditation Development Process

Updating the NALA Academy Accreditation requirements is a continuous process. The requirements are influenced by:

  • Global research into safe practice
  • On-going consultation with the NALA Board of Advisors
  • Feedback from lash professionals and the general public
  • Feedback from lash students
  • Changes in legislation and government policies
  • Demands for greater accountability
  • Targeted surveys about the new processes and standards
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of any new processes introduced
  • Making corrections in any necessary areas


Continuing Standards Development

An updated version of NALA Accreditation requirements is developed and released every year to ensure the validity and on-going relevance of the standards. Necessary amendments are communicated via email to the accredited academy owners. Academy owners are expected to fully implement the changes identified by the accompanying timeline. NALA provides as much notice as possible, though the implementation period for legislative changes can be much shorter.

The requirements for NALA Academy Accreditation are developed and reviewed in consultation with the NALA Board of Advisors.


Annual Activities

A number of activities are also conducted on an annual basis, including:

  • Monitoring changes to legislation and government policy
  • Surveying organizations about the current requirements with a request for any additional feedback
  • Analyzing feedback from communities, organizations, and individuals
  • Providing the most recent feedback to the NALA Board of Advisors for consideration
  • Informing the owners of accredited academies of any upcoming amendments


Support for NALA Members and Accredited Academies

NALA creates online content and workshops for our members based on the research conducted throughout the year.


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